If you love coffee and you love to try it in another presentation, here is a delicious and creamy recipe to intensify your taste for coffee.
Ice cream coffe
- Almo Café with intense flavor (to taste)
- 1 tablespoon of brown sugar (10 g)
- 1 scoop coconut ice cream (10 g)
- ¼ teaspoon cinnamon (1.2 g)
- ½ teaspoon grated coconut (2.5 g)
We prepare an Almo Café coffee, pure and divine, with an intense flavor.
Then, we add a spoonful of brown sugar and a spoonful of coconut ice cream.
Next, we add the cinnamon and mix it well.
At the end, just sprinkle the coconut shreds on top to have this delicious and creamy drink ready.